Banksia Reserve Sports Pavilion



Croxon Ramsay were the lead Consultant on this project and provided full design, contract documentation and contract administration services. The Banksia Reserve Sports and Community Facility is a new sporting community facility for Bayside City Council. The project addresses the need for the growth of sport within the area, to meet the requirements of the community and assisting in building a stronger, more cohesive and sustainable local sporting community. The project created an exciting opportunity to create a multi-purpose facility that houses football, cricket and tennis clubs and provide greater access for the community, with new social and meeting spaces and spectators areas. With the growing number of members and the existing pavilions not meeting the needs of the club and limiting participation, the new building includes changerooms, umpires rooms, first aid, kiosk and an upper level kitchen, social and meeting spaces. The new facility also resolves current issues with the existing buildings, including disjointed club facilities, undersized changerooms, limiting participation through inadequate DDA access and social and financial viability.