Saltwater Community Centre (The Age 1 April 2017)

Saltwater Community Centre was written up in The Age over the weekend.  IMG_0771

Croxon Ramsay Appointed Architects for the new Hume Global Learning Centre in Sunbury

Croxon Ramsay are pleased to announce they have been appointed the architects for the new Hume Global Learning Centre in Sunbury. We were selected out of 1 in 14 companies who tendered for this new $14 million learning centre.

Saltwater Community Centre Think Brick Finalist 2016

Saltwater Community Centre was one of  the four finalists in the Horbury Hunt Commercial Award of the Think Brick Awards.

Croxon Ramsay wins 3 Awards at the Victorian Architecture Awards 2016

Croxon Ramsay are pleased to announce that they won 3 Awards at the Victorian Architecture Awards on Friday night. Saltwater Community Centre won the Melbourne Prize and the Sustainable Architecture Award. While the Glasshouse won the Public (Alterations and Additions) Award.

The Glasshouse in ArchDaily

Read the article in ArchDaily of the Glasshouse. Croxon Ramsay's recently completed $22 million project.

St Catherine’s Senior School receives Award

St Catherine's Senior School was awarded a Commendation at the Learning Environments Australasia Awards 2016.